Mom has been eating brown bread since she was a child, but the brown bread she used to eat came from a bakery on Saturday mornings. It seemed that every bakery in the Fall River area used to serve take-out baked beans in little cardboard containers and loaves of brown bread. It was a Saturday tradition. Unfortunately, this pleasant tradition has gone the way of the dinosaurs. It just no longer exists. However, you can get the old traditional brown bread - believe it or not - in a can in the supermarket. The B&M company, famous for their baked beans, puts out two varieties of brown bread - the original, and the original with raisins. If you've never had brown bread, Mom will try and describe it for you:
THE VERDICT: The bread is very dense, moist, and has a rich molasses flavor. It's really delicious with a nice big pat of butter on it and eaten along with the traditional baked beans, or really just about anything. One of the best parts about this bread is that when you open the can, all you have to do next is slice and eat! The bread is really tasty, and when Mom was a kid, she used to have a couple of slices of brown bread with a bowl of tomato soup. Eating this really brings back memories for her! The next time you're in the supermarket, do yourself a favor and pick up a can. The cans are located next to the baked beans. I'm sure you won't be disappointed.