Unfortunately, our little Chips has to take a pill to help regulate the nitrates in her blood. That doesn't sound too bad until you consider that, at her last doctor's visit she: growled at him, bit him and Laura, slapped him in the face (knocking off his glasses), pooped on his table, and finished by peeing all down his shirt. Suffice it to say, she doesn't like things being done to her. When we finally saw the size of the capsule she had to take, we both said, "No way will she allow this." Thankfully, the vet gave us a sample of Greenies Pill Pockets, which are little edible wheels with lots of flavor that cats love. You just place the pill in the hole, mold the Pill Pocket around it, and present it to your cat.
THE VERDICT: VOILA! The pill was scarfed up! Well, at least Chips scarfed it up. We were amazed. What a great product! If you're struggling to get your pet to take their pills, give these a try. They're expensive at $10.99 for a bag of 45 pockets (at Petco), but if you have a cat like ours - feisty - they'll be a blessing.